金谷电力协会. (GVEA)致力于努力保护您的在线隐私. 因为我们收集用户的某些信息, we feel you should fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the use of that information. 本隐私声明 披露 我们收集了哪些信息,以及如何使用这些信息.
GVEA收集的信息 & 跟踪
会员资料及资料: 就我们的电子账单呈递及付款系统而言, MyGVEA, we collect the information required to connect an individual or business with their billing information. This includes, but is not limited to: name, account number, and Social 安全 Number.
Your member information is used within the MyGVEA system to provide you with current billing information, 历史记录和付款选项. 如果您选择接收邮寄的纸质账单副本, the data required to process your bill will be supplied to National Information Systems Cooperative® (NISC), 负责印刷和邮寄账单的公司. NISC不得将此信息用于任何其他目的.
信用卡验证: 信用卡付款必须经过验证. This requires the use of your credit card number, 截止日期 and other billing data.
以便处理信用卡付款, 我们需要信用卡号之类的信息, 截止日期, 账户持有人的姓名和账单地址信息. 这是用来验证卡和处理付款. This information is transmitted via secure connections both to your client computer and the credit card processing company NISC . 在屏幕上, 您的信用卡号码只会以前面的星号(*)显示。, 后面跟着最后四位数字. When a payment is successfully processed, you will receive an email with payment information. The credit card processing company may not use this information for any other purpose.
可选用户自备数据: 非必需的信息, 比如你母亲的娘家姓或用户选择的电子邮件选项, 将被保留.
Web和应用程序日志: This information is used to determine browsing habits within our application and allows us to cater our web site to better suit the needs of our members. This can also be used to determine where a problem may have been encountered if you have trouble on our web site.
Every time a connection is made to our web servers, the request is logged, along with date and time. This information is helpful in determining what aspects of the page get heavy use, and to a limited extent can be used to determine browsing patterns on our web site. 这有助于我们改进网站,满足用户的需求. Application logs can help us track individual transactions and functionality of the MyGVEA application.
- 饼干 -我们不会使用持续时间超过会话的cookie, 哪些通常用于存储个人或个性化信息.
- 密码 是加密的. However, you are responsible for the use of your password, as well as your MyGVEA account. 不要分享你的密码.
- 安全 - GVEA使用行业标准防火墙维护安全的数据网络, 密码和Web/SSL系统. GVEA定期审查我们的隐私政策和网络安全.
- 同意 – By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by GVEA. 如果我们决定改变我们的隐私政策, 我们将在本页发布这些更改, 以及其他容易访问的网络位置, 以便您了解我们收集哪些信息以及我们如何使用这些信息.
- 管辖范围内 -访问GVEA网站, use of data and policies are governed by applicable State of Alaska statutes and codes. All causes of action related to MyGVEA shall be adjudicated in the fourth judicial district for the State of Alaska.
条款 & 条件
欢迎光临推荐十大正规网赌平台电子账单 陈述 和付款 s推荐十大正规网赌平台方面, 被称为 MyGVEA. 我们很高兴你有兴趣加入. 请花点时间阅读下面的条款和条件. 这个文档 包含 完整的 MyGVEA 您与金谷电力协会之间的协议. 的优点和局限性是很重要的 MyGVEA 推荐十大正规网赌平台.
当您点击MyGVEA登录页面上的MyGVEA“注册”按钮时, 您同意这些条款和条件.
如果您不同意所有这些条款和条件, 您可以选择不注册MyGVEA或在其他时间注册.
如果您不接受这些条款和条件, 推荐十大正规网赌平台无法为您提供MyGVEA推荐十大正规网赌平台.
这些条款和条件可能会不时更新. 条款及条件如有任何更改, we will notify you by sending a notice to the most current email address you have on file with MyGVEA. 您继续使用本推荐十大正规网赌平台, 之后, constitutes an acceptance of the changes and an agreement to be bound by said changes. If you do not agree to the changes, GVEA cannot continue to provide MyGVEA 推荐十大正规网赌平台s to you.
当您同意本推荐十大正规网赌平台的条款和条件, you will no longer receive a paper bill from Golden Valley Electric Association, unless you opt to continue receiving a paper bill by marking the appropriate selection during the sign-up process.
目前是推荐十大正规网赌平台 提供了 an EBPP 推荐十大正规网赌平台 that enables members to view their accounts and pay their bills on the web, thus 消除 常规支付的时间和费用.
推荐十大正规网赌平台的局限性: We will try very hard to make your experience with our 推荐十大正规网赌平台 a productive one. However, we cannot always foresee or anticipate technical or other difficulties. 这些困难可能导致数据丢失, 个性化设置或其他推荐十大正规网赌平台中断. 出于这个原因, you agree that Golden Valley Electric Association 推荐十大正规网赌平台s are provided “As-Is”, 没有任何形式的保证. 通过注册这项推荐十大正规网赌平台, you agree to hold GVEA harmless for any and all damages resulting from all errors, 包括, 但不限于, 处理信息的不及时性, 删除, 未交付或未存储任何用户数据, 通信或个性化设置.
推荐十大正规网赌平台变更及终止: 推荐十大正规网赌平台保留变更或终止的权利, 暂时的或永久的, 本推荐十大正规网赌平台随时不另行通知. You agree that Golden Valley Electric Association will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or discontinuance of the 推荐十大正规网赌平台.
隐私政策: 推荐十大正规网赌平台尊重您的隐私. As such we have created a privacy statement, which details our commitment to protecting your privacy. 您提供的信息使我们能够向您提供推荐十大正规网赌平台. 它也使我们能够向您提供有关我们推荐十大正规网赌平台的最新信息. The complete terms of our 隐私政策 are part of this agreement; please take the time to read it.
取消: 您可以随时取消您在我们推荐十大正规网赌平台中的登记.
为了我们用户的利益和安全, 并遵守适用法律, 我们有一些强制性的指导方针. Any conduct that violates these usage conditions is grounds for termination of your enrollment. 出于这个原因,我们要求你仔细阅读并遵循它们.
提供准确的信息: 您同意提供真实, 准确的, current and complete information about yourself as requested in our MyGVEA registration form and account setup forms. 你同意不伪造你的身份. You agree to keep your registration and account information up to date and 准确的.
保护密码: 注册时,您将被要求选择一个密码. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. You are fully responsible for all activities that occur using your password or account. Please notify Golden Valley Electric Association immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. 您不得在任何时候使用他人的密码.
遵守法律: You agree not to use the 推荐十大正规网赌平台 for illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, 具有破坏性的, 骚扰, 诽谤的, 诽谤的, 不真实,对他人有害, 侵犯他人隐私, 虐待, 威胁, 或淫秽, 或者侵犯了他人的权利.
所有权: You acknowledge that Golden Valley Electric Association owns and controls all rights to this website and the content displayed on the site. You are only 许可证ted to use this content as expressly authorized by the 推荐十大正规网赌平台. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works from this content. 进一步, you agree not to reverse engineer or reverse compile any of Golden Valley Electric Association’s technology.
第三方账户: By using the 推荐十大正规网赌平台, you authorize Golden Valley Electric Association to access third-party sites 指定的 由你, 代表你, 检索您所请求的信息, and you hereby appoint Golden Valley Electric Association as your agent for this limited purpose only. 你在此 许可证 推荐十大正规网赌平台使用信息 提交 由你来推荐十大正规网赌平台 完成 上述.